Articles & Information
What is Bee Friendly™?BeeFriendly™ is an initiative from Host Defense and Fungi Perfecti to help reverse the devastating declines in the global bee population that are critically threatening the world’s food security. Why do bees need help?Since the initial detection of Colony...
Researchers at Fungi Perfecti, LLC and Washington State University recently completed a pilot study to determine how fungal mycelium can best be used to improve E. coli treatment in stormwater management. This mycofiltration biotechnology—the use of intentionally cultivated networks of fungal mycelium to facilitate...
Fungi Perfecti President and founder Paul Stamets has been chosen to be an "Invention Ambassador" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest and most prestigious scientific organization in the world. This select appointment is to help...
Stropharia emerging from beneath young corn stalks. Chances are that if you have perused the Fungi Perfecti catalog or web site, you have probably heard of the "Garden Giant" mushroom (Stropharia rugoso-annulata). Additionally, if you have read mycologist and Fungi Perfecti...
From Delicia Ambrosino. WHERE'S THE BEEF? Oddly enough, the Portebello mushroom has a flavor reminiscent of beef. Therefore I use it for many different dishes where I may want to cut down on the usage of beef or eliminate it...
Did you know that paper can be made from mushrooms? The cell walls of fungi are made of a biological polymer called chitin, which is a similar to cellulose—the key ingredient in plant-based paper. The use of cellulose fibers from...
From George Egger. Cultivated oyster mushrooms usually get picked at just the right size, but wild ones sometimes not. So here's what I do on those occasions when I find a few hand-sized (or larger) caps (assuming that the bugs...
Here in Olympia, Washington we've already had some well-deserved warm and sunny days which tend to lure us outdoors after a long wet Pacific Northwest winter. Upon strolling through the forest recently I noticed some young Oyster mushrooms emerging from...
UPDATE: Fungi Perfecti has just released the Phase I Report for this project: "Mycofiltration Biotechnology for Pathogen Management." For more information, please contact Alex Taylor, Researchers at Fungi Perfecti will collaborate with environmental engineers at Washington State University to develop a...